The first step was conduct a few tests, and I ran into problems right away. Pen & Ink requires paper to be really smooth, whereas Watercolor paper comes in all kinds of textures. Since the watercolors would have to be framed, and framing is expensive, I also discovered I would have to work backwards by finding good+economical frames first, and then creating the artwork to size. After days scouring art and frame shops, I found it was practically impossible to find an intersection point between frame, paper, paper smoothness, and paper thickness for my needs. I finally ended up buying larger sheets of paper that had to be cut to size, which was a laborious process in itself..
The photo below shows my first few test pieces, as well as my first test of framing a finished piece. Thankfully the end result looked good and made the effort seem worthwhile!
The show is up till Feb 26th, 2016. All the works are for sale. If you want to catch the show, it's at the Auburn City Hall, 25 W. Main Street, Auburn. Open M-F 8-5
Many thanks to the City of Auburn, the Auburn Arts Commission, and Auburn Parks & Rec for making this show happen!
And finally, it's in the news: