The show itself had a massive opening with a line stretching around the block just to get in, possibly the only time I have seen that kind of enthusiasm at an art gallery. Kudos to LTD's James and Melissa Monosmith for orchestrating a successful show.
Here is what George R. R. Martin himself has to say about the show: "Winter in Seattle" http://grrm.livejournal.com/360258.html
The show also got written up in Wired Magazine: http://www.wired.com/underwire/2014/03/game-thrones-gallery-exhibit/
The full show can currently be seen online at: http://www.ltdartgallery.com/category/current-exhibition - this link will only work till the show rotates so sorry if you come across this late and it doesn't work.
And now as a bonus, here is the earlier version of this painting that did not make it to the show. This on is Oil on Canvas, has different dimensions, and more stuff going on in the background that was a little distracting ...